TWC/2017/0936 – Royal Victoria Hotel – Removal of Condition 8 -Telford & Wrekin Council planning notification

Objection on behalf of Newport and District Civic Society issued on 8/12/17 to

We object to the proposed removal of condition 8 from the decision notice issued by T&W on 24/04/2017, re. application number TWC/2016/0816.
The applicant has stated in the local press that he intends to bring forward a new plan for the Royal Victoria Hotel building within the next few weeks. However, as it is only circa 8 months since the conditions in the decision notice were finalised, we contend that the new plans should be published and subject to consultation before any changes to the existing conditions are agreed.
We are very concerned that the Listed Building elements of the Royal Victoria Hotel structure are at risk after a number of years of little or no maintenance to the external fabric of the structure which continues to deteriorate. In addition, the part demolition of the rear of the structure has left what were internal walls open to the weather i.e. no temporary weather protection has been erected. We can only assume that the internal features within the structure are likewise deteriorating.
We full support and endorse the objections issued by Newport History Society and Newport Town Team.

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