Below is the objection submitted to T&W for the T&W Plans Committee meeting on 23 July 2014, at Whitelands Telford FC commencing at 6 pm.
We object to the proposed changes to the affordable homes element of the two applications identified below and would urge that the Plans Committee reject the proposed reductions:-
TWC/2011/0821 the initial affordable element approved by T&W Plans Board on TWC/2011/0821 is 35% so a 15% reduction to 20% is now requested by the applicant. They will say they are offering £2,750,000 for affordable homes to be built on other sites in Newport but as this is one of the ‘big three sites’ in Newport,St. Modwens, who are on the same Plans Committe agenda are looking to also reduce from 35% to 20% for the TWC/2011/0827 (i.e. the second ‘big site) and will no doubt in due course look to do the same on the 350 homes application on land either side of Station Road (i.e. the third ‘big site’), then Newport will not achieve the necessay affordable homes percentage.
We urge that the Plans Committee to reject the reduction and the applicant can either build the original affordable percentage or let another house builder take on the site i.e let market forces decide given all the house builders over the last 18 months or more are reporting soaring profits and large land banks.
We need the affordable homes for young people and those families who are not able to get a mortgage.
TWC/2011/0827 for the same reasons as set out above we urge that the requested reduction in the affordable element is rejected. We also note that the proposed revisions to the S.106 were only submitted by a letter dated 8th July 2014, from the agent acting for the applicant and so within 4 working days the application has been listed for consideration by the Plans Committee. Sports England have not been able to comment before the listing has been released as regards what appears to be far reaching departures for the provison off alternative sport pitch arrangements which the applicant was to provide.
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