The consultation period has been extended to the 8th January 2021, we as a Society will be responding and need your views so they can be included in a combined response which will seen as a ‘stronger’ critique. Please email me your views to by the 2nd January. The document is available on the T&W homepage, then search for ‘ Review of the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan’. It details the policy changes to the current plan which the council are asking for comments on, your views on these changes are requested so we can create a fully informed response. This review takes the local plan out to 2040 from 2031 and effectively delays the impact of the governments planning reform bill in Telford & Wrekin. The new consultation end date matches the date for the separate ‘call for sites’ to establish what land is available for development in the borough. (Strategic Housing & Economic and Availability Assessment SHELAA). The new policies regarding the protection & provision of green spaces is particularly relevant to Newport since the Borough Council acknowledged in 2015 that Newport was lacking in green spaces.
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