Station Rd. Newport -application for 120 homes by St. Modwen (TWC/2015/0057)

The greenfield site proposed for the failed application to build a Sainsbury’s superstore is now the subject of an application by St. Modwen to build 120 houses.
If you paste the link below into your search engine it takes you to the list of the documents. We are trying to retain this site as an area of public open space for the future enjoyment of local people. If you support our endeavours in this then please send an objection (please use the word ‘object’) to the proposed housing development to , quoting the reference TWC/2015/0057.

In addition for clarity of numbers please copy in to who reports to the NTC Planning Committee any objections and/or comments from residents. It is understood that NTC Plans Committee are due to consider the application at its meeting on 25 February 2015.

In case you think that after the approval of the 3 large housing applications i.e.285 homes on Wellington Road, 350 homes on Station Road and 215 on land behind the cemetery, together with numerous other applications that take the total of homes approved for Newport to well over 1000 since 2007, that objecting is a futile exercise, as elections are approaching on 7th May 2015, it may not be a total surprise to some of our members that Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, has in past couple of months, started refusing housing applications where an a Neighbourhood Plan is in the course of emerging i.e. as in Newport.

In addition, the T&W Plans Committee at its meeting in December 2014, turned down an application for 110 homes on greenfield land on Muxton Lane. In the body of the decision, the T&W Assistant Director for Planning, Mr Michael Barker, reported that he had recently attended a meeting with the Planning Minister who had confirmed that the Core Strategy 2007 still applies. In the Core Strategy, the land off Station Road which is the subject of the application is designated as basically semi-natural land to remain open for the benefit of the public – a point reinforced by the Court of Appeal on 2nd April 2014, when it threw out the 10 grounds of appeal from St. Modwen and T&W.

Finally, the Core Strategy and related documents, identified that Newport had an under supply of open spaces and sports pitches. Cllr. Kuldip Sahota, the Leader of T&W Counil, in a report in the Star some time back, identified that open spaces and sports pitches were a high priority for him to be retained. The net effect of the 3 major housing applications has been to remove yet more sports pitches and green open spaces in and around Newport i.e. the ‘under supply’ has got worse not better.

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