At the last day of the public hearings into the T&W Local Plan held on Friday 10th February, Carol Murphy on behalf of Newport-in-Bloom and Janet Clarke on behalf of Newport and District Civic Society, gave evidence against the proposal by T&W Council to build houses on the land off Station Road previously earmarked by T&W for the failed Sainsbury’s superstore.
The Planning Inspector questioned T&W at length as to why with the total of number of houses already approved for the south of Newport it was necessary for T&W to seek to build on the site previously proposed for the Sainsbury’ superstore which is still open land.
The Inspector asked that T&W provide further information relating to the site.
The Local Plan is the overarching document that provides the framework for T&W area across all matters for which T&W are responsible.
The Neighbour Development Plan which is being prepared by Newport Town Council is the document which will provide more specific details for Newport.
The risk of further loss of amenity green spaces across the country has been highlighted in a report published by MPs at the end of last week.
Link below to an article in the Guardian about the report and a link to the report :-
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