Presentation by the owner of the Mere Park Complex – Mr David Brierley

Mr. David Brierley the proprietor of the Mere Park Complex,will be speaking about the Complex at a public meeting on Tuesday 26th May 2015.

He will be talking about his background, Mere Park’s early days, more recent developments e.g. the hotel and restaurant and perhaps most importantly “things to come” on this exciting site. He will reflect on the challenges that he has faced trying to develop the Complex. They have been numerous and David In his typical forthright fashion will be pulling no punches with respect to the people and organisations that he has to deal with.
Should time permit, David will also provide an update on the site which he was responsible for developing for housing adjacent to Mere Park.

The evening is being hosted by Newport and District Civic Society. The meeting commences at 7.30 pm at St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Aston TF 10 9JG. Non members are very welcome to attend at a small charge of £2 which includes for refreshments after the presentation.

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