Please help to save Station Road Green Space

The draft Newport Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which is out for public consultation at present, on page 14 in the second and third paragraphs makes reference to the land off Station Road part of which falls within Newport Town Council boundary and was previously proposed for the Sainsbury’s superstore, as being allocated for yet more housing.
In the south of Newport approval has already been given by T&W for in excess of 650 houses some of which are now in the course of being built as residents will have seen from the recent temporary closure of Station Road.

If you want to see the land which was to be the site of the Sainsbury’s superstore returned to public open space i.e. the removal of the fencing that T&W erected in 2012 in anticipation of the Sainsbury store being built and the land to be used again as public open space then please email or write to the NTC NDP consultation and say so :- or post to the Town Clerk,
Newport Town Council, The Guildhall, High Street, Newport, Shropshire TF10 7AR

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