‘Plastic free Newport’ plus ‘What is worth saving in Newport – Last Chance Saloon’

What is worth saving in Newport – Last Chance Saloon’ plus ‘Plastic free Newport’. A joint meeting of Newport Civic Society and Sustainable Newport Shropshire, previously known as Newport 21, is being held on 29th January.

Cath Edwards, of Sustainable Newport, will give an update on the Sustainable Newport project ‘Plastic free Newport’ with the elimination of single use plastics by the local businesses and how the rebranding of their organisation has brought new impetus and fresh membership to their group. She will give brief details of other subjects that the group is involved with and answer questions.

This will be followed by a discussion led by David Griffin of Newport Civic Society on ‘What is worth saving in Newport – Last Chance Saloon’, with examples of how Newport has lost significant buildings over the last 40 years to developments which in hindsight would now be considered as unsuitable. The prime example being the Vine Vaults Hotel next to the Market Hall becoming the Central Square development.

This talk is a preamble to the February subject of Conservation & Regeneration to be given by Ian Harvey, Executive Director, Civic Voice (formerly The Civic Trust) and is part of the Society’s focus on conservation for this year. The Society is working in conjunction with the Newport History Society and Telford & Wrekin’s conservation officers on completing a long overdue review of the existing Newport Conservation Area. Other local groups, schools etc. are welcome to have input to this task and have suggestions to potential changes to the boundaries of the Conservation Area -please contact the Society via prchadwick353@gmail.com if you wish to participate in the project.

Everyone is welcome, the presentations will be held on – Tuesday 29th January 2019, 7.30 pm in St. Andrews Church Hall , Church Aston TF10 9JG.

A small charge of £2 is made for non-members to cover hall costs and refreshments.

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