Plans for former Newport hotel to be converted into 17 apartments approved.

Extract from report by Charlotte Bentley Shropshire Star.

Telford and Wrekin Council has approved plans for the former Royal Victoria hotel on St Mary’s Street, Newport to be converted into accommodation.

Back in 2018, full planning permission and listed building consent was granted for the “demolition of rear extension and the internal floors for the conversion of the hotel into 12 no. apartments.

The application’s design and access statement said: “All conditions on these consents have been discharged and the applicant is therefore in a position to implement the approved scheme.
There will be no further demolitions compared to the original permitted scheme other than the gable wall where a Structural Engineers Report has confirmed this wall as being unsafe. The removal of the existing roof and the interior had already been permitted in the 2018 consent and no other structural changes or removal of historic fabric are proposed.”

A conservation officer said the main significance of the former hotel was it’s historical aspects and the surviving architecture of its frontage.

Their report read: “Generally speaking, the architectural merit lies mainly within its principal elevation which fronts St. Mary’s Street and has the biggest visual impact on the street scene. Therefore, the retention of the façade and in addition the basement (currently not utilised) and lobby are supported.”

The design and access statement also confirmed that a total of seven parking spaces already provided is “considered to be suitable in view of the town centre location of the site and the availability of on-street parking and other sustainable modes of transport.”

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