The Planning Inspector who lead the review of the T&W draft Local Plan has issued a note in which he is critical of the process by which T&WC selected certain sites for housing development while omitting others.
An audit record of how the final selection was made was apparently not maintained by T&WC.
The Inspector has now made suggestions to T&WC as to how a number of issues could be rectified. The position is now for T&WC to respond.
A link to the note from the Inspector is provided below :-
On 25 April 2017, T&W responded to the Inspector accepting the proposals from the Inspector which included removing allocated sites from the emerging Local Plan i.e. those where a planning application has not yet been before T&W Plans Committee. A consequence of this would be that the former Sainsbury’s site off Station Road would no longer be allocated for housing but could now be returned for public open green space.
Due to ‘purdah’ on the calling of the general election it is not expected that the Inspector will issue his draft modifications to the emerging Local Plan until after 8th June 2017.
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