Newport Society will host the Third Annual Newport Lecture on Monday 30th October 2017, at Cosy Hall in Newport at 7.30 pm.

Last year the subject of the lecture was ‘What will BREXIT mean for Shropshire’. This year, as one of the many questions about our future in a post-BREXIT Britain, ‘education’ is the theme: looking at how education should be delivered, political interference in education both as to curriculum and to the quality/standard of education delivery in both content and method, as well as how education should be funded – from tuition fees through to parental contribution both financial and qualitatively from infant school to Higher Education.

The debate on the night will centre on:-
We probably know who said that there were only three priorities? Unfortunately or fortunately, that individual will not be with us but….

Jim Collins (ex Associate Director Education & Corporate Parenting with T&W Council and former Secondary Head Teacher) will spend the evening discussing the current priorities and challenges facing the people responsible for delivering “Education” to our young people.

Jim will help untangle the mysterious and rapidly changing world of education. He will not only explain the issues but also provide advice as to how your children can gain maximum benefit from their education.

As our economy becomes more and more knowledge-based (has it ever been anything else?) it is imperative that our education services are competitive with the best in the world – this will be a professional glimpse behind the scenes about what we as a nation and what our children need to do.

Come and take part in the debate and add your voice to one of the most critical challenges facing the future of our country.

Monday 30th October 2017, at Cosy Hall in Newport at 7.30 pm.

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