Newport High St. Survey -Results Presentation

The town team have this month completed a ‘High Street health-check’ with the interim results now being released.

Michael Atherton, Town Team Manager, will be providing details of this as well a presentation about: the changing face of traditional high street’s and how Newport’s ‘town team’, working with key partner agencies, is driving forward five main projects to improve, sustain and evolve a quality town centre offer for Newport residents, shoppers and visitors.

The town team’s emphasis is on marketing and promotions, a shop local campaign, supporting businesses to develop and adapt to changing consumer behaviours, improving the physical environment of Newport’s town centre, and developing the visitor economy.

The event, sponsored by Newport and District Civic Society, is being held on Tuesday 28th January 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm, at St.Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Aston TF10 9JG. Non-members are very welcome to attend at a small admission charge of £2.

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