Mullers (Market Drayton) -Past,Present and Future

Steph Green, Head of Operational Marketing from Mullers at Market Drayton, will give a presentation based on ‘Mullers -Past,Present and Future’ in an event hosted by Newport and District Civic Society.

The presentation will include a brief history of the Market Drayton operation, the Muller brand both in the UK and worldwide, the relationship between Muller and the community together with the ambitions for the future. A sampling of some of the Muller products will follow on from the presentation.

Steph Green was educated at Newport Girls High School and has returned to the area having worked for a number of organisations involved in the global food and drinks industry so is very aware of the importance of the impact of any global business on both the local and wider community.

The event is being held on Tuesday 29th October 2013, commencing at 7.30 pm, at St.Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Aston TF10 9JG.

Non-members are very welcome to attend at a small admission charge of £2.

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