We understand that an application (TWC/2013/0663) has been submitted to T&W, for the designation of the unit on Mere Park which at present sells camping and outdoor equipment to be changed to allow the sale of ‘comparison bulky goods’ e.g. DIY goods,gardening goods and equipment,furniture,hard and soft furnishings (including fabrics), floor coverings,homewares,motor and cycle goods, cycles and accessories, officer equipment and supplies, electrical goods,pet foods and products.
The applicant states that as the previous approval for units from which bulky goods could be sold on the Audley Avenue site have now lapsed, the application is made as the Mere Park site would appear to be only site from which such goods could be sold.
Given that the Sainsbury’s store proposed for Station Road has circa 30% of floor space set aside for non-food i.e potentially for the sale of bulky goods, we will watch with interest to see how T&W respond.
Mere Park
September 15, 2013 By Leave a Comment
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