Jonathan Hines speaking 14th Sept. 2015

Newport 21, Newport’s environmental action group, and Newport and District Civic Society invite you to please put

Monday 14th September

in your diary now, 7.30 p.m. in the Cosy Hall, Water Lane, Newport TF10 7LD, for

Houses that don’t cost the earth – Buildings fit for the 21st Century

· Is it possible to build affordable houses that are 80% more energy efficient than the current standard new UK house?

· How would you like your annual heating bill to be less than £70?

· Is there a really sustainable alternative to the houses that are being built all around us now?

Come and hear Jonathan Hines share his vision and his experience as an architect and managing director of Architype, the UK’s leading architects for sustainable buildings. Based in London and Hereford, Architype build to the highest ‘Passivhaus’ quality standard and have won awards for their buildings. Jonathan has also recently set up a Hereford-based company, ArchiHaus, to help realise his vision for ‘living villages’. Named in a list of the top 50 people most influencing sustainable development in the UK, he is much in demand as a speaker.

At a time when Newport is working on a Neighbourhood Development Plan and Telford and Wrekin’s draft Local Plan is out for consultation this is a priority date for all who care for our future here in Shropshire

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