How well are we dealing with the ‘waste’ we create. Presentation sponsored jointly with Newport 21.

Over the years Newport Civic Society has welcomed a number of speakers from a variety of backgrounds on the subject of how burying ‘waste’ in landfill sites was not a viable option for the long term. Various alternative ways of dealing with the ‘waste’ have been presented including ‘energy from waste plants’ through to increased means of recycling the ‘waste’ into new products.

With mounting public concern about the amount of plastic in the seas around the world; as China will no longer be recycling plastic waste from the UK and,more locally, at the recent the Pave Lane Quarry Inquiry conflicting evidence as to the type and nature of ‘waste’ that could be deposited on the site, we return to the subject with a presentation sponsored jointly with Newport 21.

The presentation will be given by Paul Frith who is an expert in waste management and leading consultant in the field of waste and resource management, he is Chair of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management for the Midlands and a CIWM Fellow. Paul has many achievements including writing numerous municipal waste management strategies for local authorities. He also works internationally (South Africa, India, Indonesia, Cyprus, Australia, Malta) on waste technology, strategy and smart cities development. He has worked with over forty local authorities, county councils and waste partnerships on service reviews, efficiencies for collection services, recycling and treatment, options appraisals and innovation.

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