Could Fracking Hit Newport

There is a lot of coverage of fracking at the moment in the media, so how do we separate the myths from the facts?
What is fracking and how does it work?
Will fracking keep energy costs low and help us to be more self-sufficient in energy?
Or does fracking present serious risks to our health and the environment?
And might Newport be on the fracking map?
Cath Edwards, Newport 21’s Secretary, has undertaken extensive research on fracking and will present the evidence she has found.
Newport 21’s Chair, Charles Worth, will also speak about the input Newport 21 is making to the draft Newport Neighbourhood Development Plan regarding protecting open spaces in and around Newport , together with an update on the current work for Newport 21.
The event, sponsored by Newport and District Civic Society, is being held on Tuesday 28th October 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm, at St.Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Aston TF10 9JG. A small admission charge of £2.includes for coffee and biscuits.

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