Newport and District Civic Society CONSTITUTION 2011
The Group shall be known as Newport (and District) Civic Society
Aims and Objectives
The association shall strive to promote an improved sense of community within Newport and is committed to conserving the heritage of the town and its continued well being.
Members are local people who care about their surroundings – the places where people live and work.
They strive to:
Improve the fabric of the area for present and future generations
Safeguard the heritage and character of their place
Set high standards of design and sustainability
Listen to the local community and campaign for their interests
Find solutions to environmental problems
The Society, is resolutely non party-political and puts forward an independent opinion on planning and development matters.
The Society is affiliated to Civic Voice, the national umbrella organisation set up to replace the now defunct Civic Trust.
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter for members with comments on current local issues and information about activities.
The association will work together with Town and Borough Councils as well as other significant groups to achieve its aims.
To raise funds for the purposes of the above.
Membership is open to any interested parties.
The committee shall have the power to co-opt other such members, as it may consider necessary.
Committee and Officers
Committee shall consist of a maximum of 12 persons.
Officers shall include Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Press Officer.
Sub committees may be formed, reporting back at monthly meetings.
A quorum will consist of 3 members; one must be the Chair or Vice-chair.
Committee meetings will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Public meetings will be held when felt necessary and open meetings will usually occur on an annual basis.
Decision Making
Decisions will be made by a majority vote by the Committee.
Alterations to the constitution will be made by the Committee.
Retirement of Committee Members
Notification to the Chair in writing before the next meeting.
Financial Arrangements
Association’s Financial Year shall end on 28th February.
An audited Financial Statement shall be prepared and presented to the Committee
On dissolution of the Association, assets remaining shall be transferred to another charitable Institution having the same or similar objectives.
Constitution Adopted on…………………………………………………………….
Chair: Treasurer
Vice Chair Secretary