Last month at our meeting, we reported that T&W announced at the Plans Committee meeting on Wednesday 18th March 2015, that they now believed they have a housing land supply that will pass the requirements set down in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
We have tried to get clarification from T&W as to the significance of the above but have struggled to get answers that ‘us simple folk’ can understand. So to the best of our knowledge and understanding, it appears that the 5 Year supply immediately impacts on the Core Strategy 2007 by replacing what was considered to be ‘out-of–date data’ with ‘bang-up-to-date data’, to such an extent that according to Cllr. Smith, some recently approved planning applications may have to be reconsidered in the light of the 5 year supply figures. T&W tells us that any of the applications which are to be reconsidered will be taken before the 1st July 2015, T&W Plans Committee. T&W will not publish a list of the applications they are reviewing in the light of the 5 Year supply, so if you want to know if any particular application is under review, we can only suggest that you email T&W Planning Dept. or the planning officer dealing with the application and ask them about the specific application.
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